Oberlin High School
In collaboration with our community, Oberlin City Schools educates students to excel academically while providing support for their social and emotional needs in an open and inclusive environment
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Main Phone Line: 440-774-1295
Fax: 440-774-5099
281 North Pleasant Street Oberlin, OH 44074
School Hours: 8:15 am to 3:15 pm
Principal: Brent Betts - bbetts@oberlinschools.net- (440)776-4600
Assistant Principal: Micah Tomlin- mtomlin@oberlinschools.net- (440)776-4601
Secretary: Paige Daniels-Isom - pdaniels-isom@oberlinschools.net - (440)776-4602
Student Records Request - OHSRecords@oberlinschools.net