Middle Years Programme

Our Mission: In collaboration with our community, the Langston Middle-Oberlin High School Partnership is committed to academic excellence, intercultural understanding, and emotional and social support that graduates inquiring students to be caring global citizens.

Programme Overview

MYP Programme Overview

Our MYP Mission...In collaboration with our community, the Langston Middle-Oberlin High School Partnership is committed to academic excellence, intercultural understanding, and emotional and social support that graduates inquiring students to be caring global citizens.

The Middle Years Programme spans grades 6-10, linking student experiences across Prospect, Langston and OHS. The MYP provides a framework for integrating state and national content standards in a way that is authentic and real-world relevant, engaging students through inquiry and other learner-centered approaches. In this way, curriculum and content remain at the core of teaching and learning, yet serve the greater purpose for the development of attributes and skills fulfilling Oberlin’s Mission.

Implementing the MYP has also provided an enhanced opportunity for teachers to work together more than ever before, crafting units of study that share key concepts, important questions, and learner-centered experiences across courses. When teachers collaborate in such a manner, creativity and ingenuity are invigorated, ensuring that all of our students are engaged in learning that develops their content knowledge as well as the attitudes and skills necessary for success in the 21st century.

All of these rich learning and living experiences are exemplified in students’ service, action, and final personal project. Throughout the program, students are expected to use their growing knowledge to effect positive change, culminating in a deep exploration of their passion in 10th grade (The Personal Project). At the intersection of learning and action, great things happen!

What does the MYP “look like?”

One of the most common questions about the MYP is “what does it look like?” In a classroom, MYP comes alive through student-centered approaches in which students are engaged in deep thinking, discussion, and action. Provocative inquiry questions push students to consider the big concepts of their studies and assess their progress by allowing them to construct meaningful answers in a variety of ways. Samples of student work are displayed throughout the room, showing learner growth, as well as personal connections with and dedication to learning. The physical space allows for student collaboration and teachers to mingle, making powerful connections between all participants while generating a hive of thinking and learning that is both active and exciting.

Also through the MYP, teachers seek to be transparent in their goals and foundations for learning, posting key concepts, focal points and lesson objectives for students to see and connect. When students know what they are to learn and are active participants in learning’s construction, meaningful connections are made and lifelong learners are born.

Changes that connect Prospect, Langston and OHS have occurred thanks to our implementation of MYP as well. Some such changes include:

Teachers are more meaningfully building student skills such as collaboration, communication, thinking and reflection throughout the program. Faculty of all grade levels and disciplines work together to plan the purposeful growth of these skills, step-by-step, in grades 6-10.

Similarities in the ways that teachers assess students are building at all grades 6-10 as well. The MYP provides common rubrics that all teachers use to evaluate students each year of the program. In this way, students recognize and intimately know what is expected of them across the program, seeing similarities year-to-year as well as how the expectations are consistently deepened as they grow.

Click here to see a video introduction to our MYP.

Personal Project Information

During the 10th grade year, all students are expected to complete the Personal Project. The project is a product, event, or experience that captures and reflects the learning and development that the student has experienced over the course of their entire education. Much like the Exhibition in the Primary Years Programme (grade 5) and Senior Project (grade 12), the Personal Project provides an opportunity for students to explore their passions, inner-most thoughts, capabilities and future trajectory. Be sure to check out our display of Personal Projects either online or at the library (depending on health advisories) in April of 2021.


The MYP asks that the School District is very clear on our expectations of students, teachers and the community. Working towards this transparency, we have established four policies so that all stakeholders have a common understanding of our thoughts and expectations for our learning community. Through the framework and guidance of the MYP, the District has crafted policies based on Academic Honesty, Assessment, Special Education Needs, and Language. These policies were drafted with input from the district leadership team and faculty and will be annually updated.

MYP Contacts

IB Coordinator 5th-10th

Kristin Miller


(440)774-1295 ext. 4524


MYP Resources

Program of Inquiry Overview

Click here to see our subject group overviews which include units taught, major assessments, concepts. etc. as well as a general overview of the MYP Programme.

Academic Honesty Policy

Students must agree to uphold the virtues of principle, honor, and perseverance.

MYP Assessment Policy

Assessments are intended to be meaningful, relevant and purposefully designed to reflect students’ current level of content knowledge and 21st Century Skills.

Special Needs Policy

MYP is intended to be inclusive and tailored to the individual needs of students who have special needs or who are English language learners.

Language Policy

Students are taught English language skills in all disciplines and afforded ample opportunity to become proficient in more than one language.

MYP Grading

Students around the world who are in the IB Middle Years Program are scored for their work using the same rubrics that teachers use to score your major assessments.

Teachers then take your MYP score and translate it to a traditional letter grade. This traditional letter grade is what is put in the grade book for official purposes. The MYP grade is recorded under the standards tab so that you can see how you are progressing in MYP terms as well.

MYP Program Brochure (2020)

International Baccalaureate Organization Information

IB Website

Meeting in the Middle