Parent Mentor
Our Parent Mentor is Kendis Bender. Kendis Bender is a parent to a child with special needs. She uses her first-hand experience to help work with school officials and guide families to increase the educational success of students who may receive special education services. The parent mentor is a free service, provided through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Kendis Bendercan be reached at or 440-324-5777 ext 1167 .
What Does the Parent Mentor Do?
Acts as a liaison between parents/guardians and the school
Guides families and helps them understand their rights and responsibilities through the entire special education process
Provides confidential support for concerns and questions
Supplies information on special education services, policies and procedures
Links parents/guardians to local resources, providers and other parents/caregivers for support
Explains the Individual Education Plan (IEP)/504 process and can attend team meetings if requested
Provides a lending library of materials to assist parents/guardians and professionals
Publishes information in PTA newsletters highlighting special education topics
Why Do We Need A Parent Mentor?
Your child and special education services?
State and federal laws regarding students with disabilities?
The assessment process and how a student is identified for special education services?
The (IEP) Individual Education Plan and how are parents involved in its development?
Information about special education resources?
Information about specific disabilities?
Information about parent educational workshops?
To talk to a parent experienced in the special education process?
Someone to accompany you to parent/teacher meetings?
For More Information About Special Education Services including:
Testing, IEP development and information
The special education programs available in the Oberlin City Schools
Parent Workshops
CONTACT: Kendis Bender, Parent Mentor Coordinator, or 440-324-5777 ext 1167 .