Student Registration
24-25 Open Enrollment Information
Student Registration (English)
Student Registration (Spanish)
Student Academic Needs Placement Form (English)
Student Academic Needs Placement Form (Spanish)
Student Records Release (English)
Student Records Release (Spanish)
24-25 Emergency Medical Authorization (English)
Who may register a child?
Only legal residents who are the parent or legal guardian of the child may complete the registration process. All certified court orders pertaining to guardianship and custody must be presented at the time of registration.
If after your child is enrolled, you move to a new address at any time during your child’s enrollment in the District, it is your responsibility to inform your child’s school of your new address. Likewise, parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for informing school officials of any change(s) to the legal custody or guardianship of their child(ren), address and/or telephone.
Kindergarten Information
A child is eligible for entrance into kindergarten if s/he attains the age of five on or before August 1st of the year in which s/he applies for entrance. A child under age six (6) who is enrolled in kindergarten will be considered of compulsory school age.
First Grade Information
A child is eligible for entrance into first grade if s/he attains the age of six (6) on or before September 30th of the year in which s/he applies for entrance and has completed the kindergarten program of this District or an equivalent program elsewhere and has been recommended by the teacher for advancement to the first grade.
This requirement may only be waived if a request is made and approved by the District's Pupil Personnel Services Committee and acceleration evaluation committee decides it is appropriate for the child.
Residency Requirements
The Oberlin City School District will enroll only those students whose parents/legal guardians are residents of the school district or students who have been approved under Open Enrollment by the Superintendent. “Residence” for school purposes means that the custodial parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of the student are full-time residents of Oberlin.
How Do I Register My Child?
You may complete the registration process at the Board of Education on standard business days from 7 am to 3 pm.
Make sure you have completed forms along with the necessary documents at the time of registration.
Please refer to the registration checklist below, before your arrival.
Required Information for Registration
A. Student Information:
Certified copy of birth certificate (passport or visa)
Immunization record
IEP and ETR (for Special Education only); 504 Plan
Withdrawal information/report card/transcript from previous school
B. Parent Information:
Valid driver’s license with current address / picture I.D.
Oath of Residency Statement along with three, current proofs of residency showing your name and address:
City of Oberlin utility bill
Receipt confirmation of new utility service
Water bill
Gas bill
Telephone bill
Property tax stmt (Lorain County Auditor)
Source of income (pay stub/wage stmt/SSI/unemployment stmt)
Mortgage stmt
LMHA lease agreement
Income Tax bill (W2)
LCJ&FS document
BMV vehicle registration
Insurance stmt (auto/property/medical)
C. Custody/Guardianship (provide appropriate certified court journal entry)
Divorce decree & shared parenting plan;
Court Placement
D. Parent/Guardian Completes:
Student Registration Form
Release of Records
Oath of Residency Statement
Emergency Contact Form
Ohio Health History Form
E. Physician Completes:
Physician's Assessment (PreK & Kdg)
Appropriate forms are listed below (If your child takes medication at school)
Medication Administration Record;
Licenced Prescriber's Statement;
Authorization for the Possession and Use of Epinephrine Autoinjector (Epi-Pen);
Authorization for the Possession and Use of Asthma Inhaler/Other Emergency Medication